
/Tag: Custody

Do I have legal recourse after giving up dog?

I gave my dog away for adoption 23 days ago. I was under duress with an upcoming knee operation 6 days later. I didn't sell the dog and I have papers and she was microchipped that the dog belongs to me. I didn't consult my family prior to giving her up for adoption and the decision. The kids are depressed as is the entire family. I called 23 days after I gave my dog up to a family for adoption and they refuse to give me back the dog. Do I have any legal recourse in the state of New York?

By |2022-10-26T11:07:09-04:00September 29th, 2022|

Is it illegal to keep someone’s pet and refuse to give it back?

Is it illegal to keep someone’s pet and refuse to give it back in California? What would happen if the pet owner decides to sue the person who is refusing to give back the pet? What if someone lost my pet when he was helping me to take care of my pet for a while? Can I sue him or ask for compensation?

By |2022-10-26T10:46:14-04:00September 29th, 2022|

Given a dog to keep, now they want him back.

My sons friend asked me to keep his dog and he pays for his medical care since he was 6 weeks old but the dog has been in my care for two years and now he wants him back. What can I do to keep him?

By |2022-10-27T09:41:17-04:00September 29th, 2022|

Previous owners trying to take back microchipped dog.

We were giving a dog three years ago. The previous owner had the dog chipped. We went on vacation and the dog ran away from our dog sitter. Now the previous owner is trying to take possession from the Humane Society. What do I do?

By |2022-10-27T09:14:41-04:00September 29th, 2022|

Who owns the kittens?

We live in an area where cats are frequently abandoned. One pregnant cat, took up residence in our barn. She had no collar and no one responded to postings so we decided to keep her. She was very skittish and would not come in the house. We set up a birthing box in the barn, but she had her kittens elsewhere. We searched and finally found them across a very busy highway in someone else's country home. They come down once a month. Found the 3-4 wk old kittens and took them home. They refuse to return them. Can we get them back?

By |2022-06-21T13:02:43-04:00June 21st, 2022|

Owner Prolonging Pick up – When can I declare puppy abandoned?

We agreed to help this woman house a dog she found chained up in the back of a property she just purchased. We agreed on 2 weeks or less, she's backed out of the set pick up dates twice now and even took a family trip out of town without paying us or bringing more supplies. The first week she gave us a cage, small amount of food, bowls and a leash. She supposedly brought her to the vet once but I'm unsure how true it is. If she tries to postpone the pick up again when can I declare the puppy abandoned? I ran out of food already.

By |2022-06-21T13:13:49-04:00June 19th, 2022|

Cat custody dispute – ASAP!

A woman left her cat to her ex (my roommate) 6 months ago for caretaking and left the country. During that time, she never contacted him and he gave the cat to me. I bought pet insurance & taken her to the vet (so I have medical records), have gotten her vaccines and cleared out an ear infection she had for years. The woman has now suddenly contacted my roommate asking for the cat back, while I want to dispute that. Unfortunately microchip is still registered under her name and she claims to have adoption papers. I have been taking great care of the cat - to which my roommate said the cat is much healthier & happier with me - and she has been a great emotional support animal for me. I need representation to fight this woman's claim to pet ownership - what do I need to do that?

By |2022-06-21T13:11:10-04:00June 17th, 2022|