

Can I take the dog?

If I call animal control on this guy who has mom and puppies, can I ask to take them once they're with animal control?

By |2022-01-14T10:03:54-04:00January 14th, 2022|

How can I get dogs back from unfit home?

I had 2 dogs to rehome due to my husband passing away. I gave them to a friend of a friend. I tried to take them to him, but he said it would be better for them if I didn't. So he took them and I went 2 days later to see them. The yard and house are falling apart, and there's nowhere for them in the yard but a small path and it's really nasty, and the house is falling apart. That's why he didn't want me to take them to him. So I asked him for them back, oh and there's also drugs there, and he said I wasn't getting them back. What can I do?

By |2022-01-14T09:47:58-04:00January 14th, 2022|

Cold Weather Tips for Your Feral Friend

Winter is a difficult time of the year for Community Cats; it’s cold, food and water are scarce, and a warm, dry place to rest their weary bones can be hard to find. Providing some sort of comfort for these cats — whether it be a bowl of food, a feral house to call their own or a fresh bowl of water — will go a long way to make their life so much easier.

By |2023-12-04T10:05:17-04:00December 8th, 2021|

Can friend take the dog back?

I got a free dog from a friend because she was homeless. Now she thinks that she might potentially have a home and is considering taking the dog back. I want to know if after 7 days, regardless of if she has done documentation on the dog originally being hers, can she take it back?

By |2022-01-11T11:22:49-04:00December 6th, 2021|

Can nephew press charges for giving dog away?

I have had my nephews dog for over a year, and they were not doing what they were supposed to do to help take care of this dog while this dog was in my possession. So, after a year a gave her to someone that will take care of her. Now my nephew is threatening to press charges against me. Can he do that?

By |2022-01-11T11:14:28-04:00December 6th, 2021|