

Dog custody conflict

My friend passed away unexpectedly. He leaves behind a year old golden doodle. His girlfriend of nine months and his family both want custody of the dog. His girlfriend lives in South Carolina and his family lives in Las Vegas. Our friend does not have a will indicating who he wanted ownership of the dog to go to. The girlfriend does have medical records from the vet stating the she was a co owner of the dog. Our friend bought the dog and had her for a couple of months before moving in with his girlfriend. Any legal advice for how this situation might resolve itself would be appreciated. Specifically if there is a section of the law I could point to to show the involved parties what the probably outcome of civil court would be, that would be highly beneficial to keep them out of court in this trying time.

By |2022-06-28T09:50:27-04:00May 21st, 2022|

Rehome after adoption

I recently adopted a dog but he isn’t a good fit for our family unfortunately. I found someone who wants him but when I adopted him I signed a contract stating I wouldn’t sell, trade, or rehome him. But I don’t want to send him back to the shelter. How binding are these contracts?

By |2022-06-28T09:48:20-04:00May 20th, 2022|

Can I take an animal out of a neglect situation?

My friend was asked to take care of three cats over a weekend. It was said that all he had to do was feed them. When he arrived the place smelled of amonium so bad it made his mouth burn. The concrete was stained with poop and vomit. It’s clear that they’ve been here without proper amenities or their actual owner for months. So, is it okay for him to try and take the animals out of that situation? What can we do to help these cats?

By |2022-06-28T09:46:03-04:00May 19th, 2022|

Can I take my cat back from my friend if I pay them the back money?

I gave my cat, that I adopted to a friend because my mother would not allow me to have the cat in her house. Now , I plan to relocate, and I want to take my cat back. Is it legal to take her back? I am willing to give my friend all the money I would have spent to take care of her, as a currdicay. But do, I still have rights to the cat, since I am the one who adopted the cat?

By |2022-06-28T09:41:51-04:00May 19th, 2022|

Cat injureed by groomer, clinic refuses to accept responsibility

Hello, my only long hair cat FurBall gets a shave every year for the Memphis TN Summer. Last year, to our surprise, Furby was returned with a severe soft tissue hip injury, causing considerable pain. We took her to our vet, not groomer for exploratory treatment. The groomer, who service is out of a vet clinic refuses to accept responsibility. I want a refund of the groomers cost and my vets cost to ensure they did not break a bone. Please advise. I am currently beginning a BBB compliant. A groomer is not a vet service. I feel pet groomers should be held responsible for their mistreatment of our pets.

By |2022-06-28T09:39:58-04:00May 16th, 2022|

Neutering my dog

On March 23rd my dog went missing from a friends who was watching him, I didnt find out for 2 weeks that he was missing they didn't want to tell me they lied every time I asked to see him. He ended up at the animal shelter where, they are saying they have ownership of him, and they are neutering him, and I have to pay $200 and adopt him. My question is are they allowed to do that. I dont want him neutered and i cant afford $200. This is not fair my dog has been through enough he needs to just come home.

By |2022-06-14T15:32:24-04:00April 17th, 2022|

Can previous owner take puppy back after giving him to me?

Hello, a lady had posted an ad saying she was giving her dog away because she was going back to work and lived in a studio and didn't feel it was fair to leave her home alone all day. Now after coming into my home introducing the puppy to my 3 kids the lady tells them how exciting you guys have a new puppy now and after 3 days of having the dog the lady called and texted saying she wants her back. I have all text messages, the ad, the voicemails everything showing she gave the dog away. She is now harassing my family calling several times a week and showing up out front of our home. She's saying she is now taking me to court to get the dog back. Can she legally get the dog back if she gave her away? Thank you

By |2022-06-14T15:38:48-04:00April 16th, 2022|

What are my option after emotional support dog gets into a fight at dog park?

I have lived in an apartment complex with Lacy for 3 Years and never had any problems. I keep her on a leash at all times unless we are in the dog park. Occasionally we go there to play fetch and get some needed exercise. When another dog owner asked to join I decline and say give me a minute to leave. This time it was different, she kept insisting her dog was fine and wanted in. Lacy saw an opening in the fence and went after her dog. We got them apart and neither dog was injured or went to a vet even though we offered to pay her vet bill just to make sure. I went to the office just to report the incident and police and animal control were called. I was fined and the next week was told I had 7 days to get rid of my dog and was told I had no other options. I wanted to know if I do have any options?

By |2022-06-14T15:17:11-04:00April 14th, 2022|